Acid Blondie
Sweet and mild by nature, the Acid Blondie, is hand-made at the Drew Estate's Estelí, Nicaragua factory. With its sweet, smooth, and sugary tastes of cinnamon, coffee, and vanilla, the Acid Blondie nestled in a light-brown Sumatra wrapper is the original version that inspired and launched the variations that would come afterwards.
Acid Kuba Kuba
A mild to medium bodied smoke, Kuba Kuba are one of Acids best creations, with flavors and aromas that are unique in the world of cigars.
A refreshing 5 x 54 robusto, the Acid Kuba Kuba Cigar is a smooth Nicaraguan creation wrapped in a dark and oily Indonesian Sumatra wrapper. Aromatic and sweet.
Acid Cold Infusion Tea
The Acid Cold Infusion is a new cigar for a new age. Developed with a secret blend of tobacco, essential oils, herbs, and floras never seen in a cigar. It’s an adventurous cigar for those who want to experience the latest the world of tobacco has to offer.
Cuban Rounds brings an exceptional experience of heritage and tradition to the everyday consumer. The well-balanced cigars feature intuitive blends and construction that are reminiscent of Cuban mastery, offering layers of textured flavor with every puff. Refined, nuanced, and perfect, each smoke highlights the quality of the leaves and the complexity of the tobacco within
Cuban Rejects
Since 1976, Cuban Rejects have provided great value as a premium cigar experience at a wallet-friendly price. Rich with Cuban flavor, they remain true to their roots.
Arturo Fuente
The Dominican aged long-fillers and binder are held together by a lusciously dark, African Cameroon wrapper. While cocoa and nuts resonate as the most dominant flavors, they’re complimented by a sweet cedar and a mellowly spiced smoke. Simply put, the Arturo Fuente cigar delivers a nuanced complexity that only grows in richness with each faultless draw of these medium-full smokes
Stop By and check out our huge selection of fine cigars
Our state-of-the-art cedar walk-in humidor features an exclusive and comprehensive inventory of Rockys, Fuentes, Davidoffs, Ashtons, Acid, Padrons, Alec Bradley, La Gloria, Camacho, Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo & Julieta. as well as a wonderful variety of boutique names. Our selection also includes jewels from Drew Estate, Leather Rose, EPC, Joya de Nicaragua, Caldwell, Room 101, La Palina, LG/La Flor Dominicana, Kristoff, Tatuaje, My Father, Illusione and more!
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